Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog #3

When I heard group project I thought, UGH, I hate group projects.  Then it was said that it could be as few as two people or as many as four.  I was relieved!!!  I could work with my daughter and I knew that we would work on it together.  I wouldn’t have to try to coordinate with someone else’s schedule and worry about getting stuck doing all the work myself.
    I tried to write my part without an outline but found that I didn’t even know where to begin.  So I went back again and reread the article and then outlined it.  What a difference that made for me.  I could not let my daughter down.  I tried to let Amanda be the leader and take a step back.  We both found it hard to pick an article, because we were not interested in what they were about. 
     I have found it very difficult to throw everything away that I have learned in the past and write my opinion.  Realizing that I have an opinion and it’s ok to be heard has been difficult.  Again, I found it difficult to write on an article that I really didn’t care anything about it.  Once I got started I found it actually easier, because if I didn’t really care about it than I really did have an opinion.
     In writing my paper I broke down the article in smaller parts to be able to complete the assignment.  I do find that I tend to make things harder than what I need to.

Blog #2

Writing a review, I found to be difficult.  First of all to figure out what in the world was the writer trying to say in the article was not easy.  It seemed to me that the writer had you running in circles.  So I continued to say "so what" and why do I even care?
     I do not find writing easy.  I can talk and talk but when it comes to putting thoughts on paper, I find it very difficult.  However, once I get started I am ok.
     I should have read the whole first part of the book before I started writing.  I have found that while learning to write in a different style has helped me with working with my staff at work.  Conveying and trying to get people to "buy" into a new idea can be difficult, but it's all in how you word it. 
     As a writer I do think that I know the proper grammar to use and can convey what I am trying to say. I tend to think things through and make it clear for my audience. 
     If I rewrote this assignment, I think I would be better at it.  I would be better because I have read the whole first part of the book and understand more what the “correct” way is to write.  I do wish that we had a larger selection to choose from that to be restricted. 

Sunday, September 19, 2010

Blog #1

     When reading this book I began to question the basics that I learned.  I learned to never use the word, "I" and certainly never let you opinion come out.  Writing your opinion in your paper was usually a flunking grade.  However this book teaches that academic writing is really argumentive writing.
     This book throughout gives templates to use when writing.  Whether agreeing, disagreeing or both there are good ways to get to the answer to, "so what" and "who cares" questions.  Engaging your reader into the paper with certain verbage will help your audience understand what you are trying to say.
     Writing a good paper balances what the author is saying along with the writer's focus.  Sometimes it is best to not spell out your own beliefs so that the reader is unable to tell if you agree or disagree.  But again you must remember to answer the questions so what and who cares.  When answering this questions it is important to give enough reasons and not leave something dangling all by itselt.
     When entertaining a counter argument it is crucial that you show repect for your audience and be independent critical thinkers.  It is also does not have to be an all or nothing argument. 
     Some of the best words to use when tying everything together is transition or pointing words.  These words will let the reader know some important is to follow.  Also, it is ok to repeat yourself as in summarizing. 
     I had never heard of the word metacommentary before.  It is just a fancy way of saying something in your own interpretation. 
     Writing this way will certainly be a challenge for me since it goes against everything that I was taught.  But with the templates to help me from the book, it will be easier.