Sunday, September 26, 2010

Blog #3

When I heard group project I thought, UGH, I hate group projects.  Then it was said that it could be as few as two people or as many as four.  I was relieved!!!  I could work with my daughter and I knew that we would work on it together.  I wouldn’t have to try to coordinate with someone else’s schedule and worry about getting stuck doing all the work myself.
    I tried to write my part without an outline but found that I didn’t even know where to begin.  So I went back again and reread the article and then outlined it.  What a difference that made for me.  I could not let my daughter down.  I tried to let Amanda be the leader and take a step back.  We both found it hard to pick an article, because we were not interested in what they were about. 
     I have found it very difficult to throw everything away that I have learned in the past and write my opinion.  Realizing that I have an opinion and it’s ok to be heard has been difficult.  Again, I found it difficult to write on an article that I really didn’t care anything about it.  Once I got started I found it actually easier, because if I didn’t really care about it than I really did have an opinion.
     In writing my paper I broke down the article in smaller parts to be able to complete the assignment.  I do find that I tend to make things harder than what I need to.

1 comment:

  1. I always do better in groups when I feel some sort of personal responsibility towards the others in the group. I'm glad you had Amanda.

    30/30 (for all 3)
