Sunday, October 10, 2010

Research Paper Free Write

My outside interests are hanging out with friends and family, reading and scrapbooking.  I do not belong to any extra clubs.  I work full time, go to school part time and take care of my family. 
     I hate watching the news because it is always gloom and doom.  There is nothing good about it.  I always end up feeling depressed after watching it.   I don’t mind listening to some of the news on the radio, but only for a few minutes because it annoys me.
     When hanging out with friends and family, we discuss raising our children, some of the joys of them as well as the difficulties we are having.  We give each other encouragement and sometimes advice if asked for.    We discuss what is going on with our work, if it is busy or slow and if the bosses are treating us fairly.  I am a supervisor, and I find it helpful to discuss some of the dilemmas that I have with a neutral party.
     Some of our couple friends work in a factory as does my husband so that gives them a lot to talk about.  I work for a financial institution so I don’t always have much to say about the factory.  In the past year, we have discussed a lot regarding the economy.  Many of us were all going through hard times and are slowly starting to see an improvement. 
     Friends and family discuss health issues with us.  They are all dealing with some type of difficulty.  Now of us make our situation to be any worse than the other person’s.  We all realize that we are dealing with something and just encourage each other. 
     Everyday I think about getting through the work day.  Dealing with each situation as it comes up and try to keep telling myself that it is just a job.  And that I am going to school to move on with my life.  I think about my children and husband.  Wondering if they will find a cure to help my husband with his bone disease (no, I do not want to write about it).  I think about my parents, mother in law and grandparents with their health issues, wondering how they are doing.  I am a very family driven person.  I tend to do what is best for everyone else before I do for myself. 
     I enjoy watching “The Doctors” show on television and looking up medical research.  I also watch sports with my family. 
     Family and friends are the most important in my life.  I tend to try to be as positive as I possibly can.  I like to encourage others and not focus on me. 

1 comment:

  1. What about arguing the importance of having a support system when raising children?
