Sunday, December 5, 2010

Blog 9

Meeting the goal of taking an article and stating my opinion at first was difficult.  I found it difficult doing the first paper because I wanted to just talk about the article but never really state my opinion.  I did not finish revising that paper.  But I will be finishing it a little later today.  Now that I have practice and a better knowledge, the revision should be easier.
Remembering that I am writing for someone is a major factor to take into consideration.  A writer must know their audience.  If I know my audience I can make any topic interesting.  The formality of a paper also will apply to my audience.  I would definitely write different if I was writing for one of my family members verses a member of Congress. 
Taking a resource, reading it and citing it is what makes a paper work.  I always thought that if you reworded something you didn’t have to cite it.  I sure did find out that I was so wrong.  In the critical analysis paper I found this the most difficult.  Because the paper is regarding a movie, I continually asked myself, should I cite this or not.  I am hoping I have mastered this skill in my writing.  Again it is another paper I have not completely revised but I will be finishing it today.
While I think I have mastered most of the goals, there is always room for improvement.  I have found it frustrating that I could take the placement testing and test way above college level because I can recognize better writing if given options but seem unable to write “cold turkey”.      
At this point I have to finish fixing my papers today because tomorrow is the due date to turn them all in.  I have found that because I do not enjoy writing, I will find every excuse under the sun not to revise my papers. 

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